Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ryougi Shiki :D

          It's been like a really longtime since I updated my blog. TAT finally found some time today. It's funny when I read my older posts , I feel like like a kid. I was. LOL . Anyways, 2 weeks ago, I went to an event at Penang Times Square called Cosplay Invasion 2. 

          I went there to check it out with my mum! My friend, Keiko and Rin was gonna perform on that day. They were gonna sing XD another friend of mine, Tsukasa, cosplayed Luka from " Just Be Friends" .

          While my folks went for some photoshoot thingy, my mum and I went to check the figurine stall :D there were many figurines amd nendroids like Inori , Miku , Madoka and many more. And I eventually end up buying one! 

          IT WAS MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER. Haha. Anyway, I got my FIRST EVER nendroid. :)

          I was happy that I could cry. T^T . I even bugged my sister for DAYS XD 

          After 2 weeks, I finally took her out to have her first photoshoot! Sorry for the bad photography skills as well as the quality. :( I only used a phone to take the pictures. And I do not have any knowledge of taking good pictures but I think that the pictures showed her face quite clearly and that's enough for me. :D Here they are!

Guess who is she?

RYOUGI SHIKI!!! ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ♫♬

The platform for the figurine to stand. Which comes with most figurines :)

Out of the plastic! :D

The platform and other pieces for the figurine to stand.

Assembled! XD

When taken out of the box! (≧∀≦)♪

first picture after getting out of the box! She look gorgeous! *thumbs up and hits table* d-(^_^)-b

Shiki from sideways1 !!

Shiki from sideways 2 !! ฅ(^ω^ฅ)

Shiki from the back!! ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃


Hug me? (●´・ω・`)(´・ω・`○)o

Shiki's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. >///////<

Shiki Neko Ver. (ΦωΦ)

Shiki's hair with nekomimi! (Ф∀Ф)

Out of the plastic .。;・+ヾ(♥◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ゚:。・+

The black cat !

Shiki's 2nd pair of hands and her knife! OwO

Her basic hair

Her basic face

That's all for today. Will be continued at Ryougi Shiki 2 !

Stay tuned! :D

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